Interview with author Jeremie Samuel - "The Ochusi People"
Scholar Jeremie Samuel has agreed to answer some questions concerning his work, in the form of an interview; the theme is known to us, the contact between African and Amerindian populations ... but, with important variations regarding the historical period and the 'source' of contact.
Samuel's study is particularly important because it is completely unrelated to Sitchin's research and A.A. in general.
Jeremie Samuel has a degree English language and literature, and is an expert on Orishas.

Q1: Your book “The Ochusi People” is going to be out in a few months, can you give us a little insight about the book?
In the marvelous civilization of the ancient Olmec they used heiroglyphs. In this heiroglyphic system the word Tzusi means Child. The Olmec spread their principles of advanced civilizations around the Gulf of Mexico and Ochusi is the original name of the Muskogee people who inhabited the Southeast regions of North America. The Southeastern tribes inherited the temple-mound tradition along with jaguar and eagle iconography from their Olmec ancestry. The Jaguar-Eagle warrior iconograpy of Olmec culture corresponds with the warrior Orisha Ochosi. The Ochusi tribes of North America are Children of the Olmec. Another version of Tzusi is Yuchi, the name of a tribe in Georgia, Tennessee, and Northwest Florida. They are known as Tsoyaha: Children of the Sun. Other meanings for Yuchi are “from far away” and “people of another language”. Some traditions speak of the Yuchi arriving from the east over an expanse body of water.
Q2: You developed a profound knowledge about the Orishas, can you explain the relationship between the Orishas and the religions from America?
When concerning the Orishas and religions of America my focus is exclusively in their sycronicity with Olmec civilization. The Olmec religion consisted of a cosmos which provides a social construct where deities interacted with human beings, divination, ancestor veneration, and priest or shaman that acted as intermediaries between the Olmec people and their deities. These priest enacted rituals that reinforced the concept of the cosmos.
The religious foundation of the Olmecs line up precisely with the religion of Ifá, where the Orisha intevene in human affairs, divination is used to predict outcomes, the priesthood consists of Babalawos and Iyanifas who act as intermediaries between the Orishas and the people. The veneration of the ancestors is an intregal part of Ifá. The preisthood also preserve the tradition and enact ceremonies that reinforce the concept of the cosmos.
Q3: Can the deities of the Olmecs be identified in a counterpart from the 'Old World' (Mesopotamia, Africa, Egypt, etc.)?
The civilizations of the Old World all had distinct spiritual systems and deities with distinct cosmologies. However, comonalities can be found due to associations with planetary bodies. For instance, Olmec murals are found depicting a Venus deity. The Venus deity in Mayan culture is called Ixchel and she rules fertility. We absolutely can find Venus deities in most Old World cosmology. Ixchel could be viewed as a counterpart of Ishtar of Mesopotamia or Asat (Isis) of Egypt. Furthermore, agriculture was a very important part of ancient cultures so much so that it was tied to a maize diety. For example, Olmec sculptures portray rulers with sprouting corn on their heads in relationship to the maize diety known as Xipe Totec. Asar (Osiris) of Egypt and El of Mesopotamia are deities of the Old World that are depicted wearing sprouting
maize crowns. Therefore, the pharoahs wore the corn sprouting crowns of Asar (Osiris) like Olmec rulers wore maize crowns.
Q4: You are also about to release a book called “Wonders of the Olmec Civilization”. Wat is it about, and how does it relate to The Ochusi People?
The book, Wonders of the Olmec Civilization: The Lost Orisha Kingdom in the West is about the wondrous forces of the Orisha found in the Olmec civilization of ancient Mexico. The book analyzes the correlations between Olmec religion and Ifá. Furthermore it unveils the signature of the Orishas all over the Olmec civilization from Shango, Orunmila, Ochusi, Ogun, and Aganjú. For instance, Aganjú is the Orisha of Volcanoes but their are no volcanoes in Yorubaland. However, the Olmec heartland of Veracruz is characterized by volcanoes, ridges, and hills. Furthermore, Aganjú is the cultivator of civilization and the Olmec developed their advanced civilization around the resource of volcanoes. The colossal heads were carved from volcanic stone along with obsidian jewelry, masks, and cutting tools made from volcanic glass.
Q5: What do you think about the various paleo-contact theories, such as that regarding the King of Mali travelling to Brazil centuries before Columbus?
I think that there are considerable amounts of evidence for paleo-contact theories. One of the oldest finds in ancient America concerning paleo-contact is in an elephant pot at the Olmec Kingdom of La Venta c. 1500 B.C.E.-500 B.C.E. The question is if elephants didn’t live in Mexico 3,000 years ago where did the artisans get the idea for pottery shaped like a elephant. Either merchants brought pottery from Africa or Olmec voyagers obtained elephant pottery on trips to Africa or Asia.
The accounts of Abubakari II voyage consists of him leading a fleet of 3,000 ships, 2,000 for the finest men, sorcerors, doctors, and builders, 1,000 ships for provisions to last a year. It is said that Brazil derives from a West African, Moorish tribe named the Barasil. When they arrived at an island near the country they named it after their tribe Barasil. Barry Fell’s writings in America B.C. allude to Mandinka language found in some of the Southwestern states like Arizona and Nevada. Furthermore, the cliff dwelling in these states resemble those of the Dogon tribe from Mali. Mandinka numerals were also found within the lexicon of the Nanticoke Moors of Delaware who have the story of Moors shipwrecking and intermarrying with the indigenous tribes on the east coast.
Q6: I know that you have studied Ivan Van Sertima's material... how correct were his theories, in your opinion?
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s book They Came Before Columbus played a major role in my journey in researching the Olmec civilization. The book introduced me to the famous colossal heads of the Olmec and possibilities of West African empires that expanded across the Atlantic Ocean. I agree with his theories on West African contact with Pre-Columbian America. However, I would not go to the extent of saying the knowledge of civilization came to the Olmecs from Africa or even Asia in that matter. The Olmec civilization is very distinct with characteristics that are unique to itself. I believe that
the Olmec civiliation came from a higher source which activated an evolution of consciousness instantaneously with other cultures that rose at the same time.
Q7: What are some interesting african myths that may have a parallel or may have left a trace in American populations?
In the Orisha tradition there is a Pataki (sacred story) about the Orisha Orunmila. He was sent down by Olodumare the Creator to teach the principles of Ifá amongst the people. When he arrived to earth he built his temple on a hill called Oke Tase. Orunmila is said to have existed in physical form on earth 4,000 years ago or 2000 B.C.E. The Olmec established the unique tradition of building temples on earthern mounds in Mexico around 4,000 years ago the same time Orunmila came to earth and built his temple on the hill.
Q8: You are also an expert about the story of the city Pensacola, where there are very interesting but little known historical features...what is the 'unknown' history of this city?
Pensacola is known as North America’s first settlement via 1559. Like most early Spanish settlements in America, Pensacola retained Spanish influence within it’s architecture and names of areas within the city. The oldest neighborhood and historic district is named Seville, while the commercial district is named Cordova and another historic residential area is called Granada. These are all named after the three major kingdoms of Moorish Spain, Cordova, Seville, and Granada. Pensacola Bay was a valued port for early explorers, Ponce de Leon and Hernando de Soto searched for the bay. They never made it but Tristan de Luna established a short settlement at Pensacola Bay. In the accounts of these explorers the original name of Pensacola Bay was Ochusi Bay. As previously stated, Ochusi corresponds with the Olmec term Tzusi and the Orisha Ochusi. Indeed, Pensacola originally known as Ochusi, was a province of the ancient Olmec Empire of moundbuilders.
Q9: We thank you very much for your availability to answer to our questions; is there anything else you want to add for our readers?
I am thankful for the opportunity to share my research and information with you and your readers. The ancestors have allowed me to discover clues to unlock new perspectives for those of us who have been stranded and lost in the West not knowing our connection to the family of nations and ancient history. I thank the Orisha for this revelation and how it has connected me with people around the world like you in Italy. One day I hope to visit. Thank you for the interview.
My book “Wonders of the Olmec Civilization: The Lost Orisha Kingdom in the West” will be out in a month and “The Ochusi People: Children of the Sun” will be available in a few months.
You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @ochusipeople.
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