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The Sitchin Advocacy Archive is held by Alessandro Demontis,
author of the 3-volumes opera:
Il fenomeno Nibiru

The Sitchin Advocacy Archive

The Sitchin Advocacy Archive
Sept. 21, 2017: Kakkab Shanamma & EN.TI.MASH.SIG
Sept. 22, 2017: Life on Clay
Oct. 21, 2017: Adam and Eve
Nov. 10, 2017: Unexpected genetic kinships
Nov. 11, 2017: Middle Eastern origin of Europeans
Nov. 12, 2017: Water on Mars
Jan. 21, 2018: Nuclear warfare in 2024 BC
Sept. 5, 2017: Who is Michael S. Heiser and why he attacks Zecharia Sitchin
Sept. 7, 2017: Nibiru according to the sources
Sept. 15, 2017: Nephilim - who they are and what it means
Mar. 13, 2018: The MUs and the SHEMs
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