System panel

The SYSTEM panel contains some applications managing system utilities, information, and environment settings. It is the 'Core' of Aero where most of the customizations and interactions with Windows 7 take place. It has been strongly improved during the production of the unofficial release 2014sp.1 and further developed in Aero 2015 and Aero 2017, but the new 2018 version offers much, much more!
Environment Settings: allows choice of the artistic themes (6 normal + 3 with sound) or backgrounds (1 base + 4 alternatives), manages the SMTP server and the browser homepage, contains the BuddyPoke avatar selector, the Draggable Dancer setup, the Startup Music Selector, the External Applications Setup, the Desktop Icons definition file setup, launches Windows control panel and allows for the creation of a new root-free installation of Aero or the complete reset of Aero to original configuration. It is also an informational application which indicates the logged-in user, its root path, the network status with LAN and public IP, screen resolution and system disk free space. It has been improved with 3 new informational panels to detect Wi-Fi connections, Installed Printers & Devices, and Installed Network Adapters.
User Manager: allows the creation and deletion of users and. Upon creation of a new user an entire Aero folder structure will be created on the HD and privileges will be granted according to an easy User Role manager.
Performance Manager: is a simple indicator of CPU and RAM usage that allows the user to keep tracks of the computer performances.
Bandwidth Manager: is a tool based on an online service that allows the user to test network connection and speed. It best works with cable connections, has some issues with italian ADSLs.
File Stack: is a new application conceived for Aero 2014 and its point of strength. It is a temporary container that works together with the Disk Explorer (ex File Launcher) receiving the full path of a selected file which can be sent to 4 different Aero applications. This allows Aero to open some files with its own applications and not with Windows installed 3rd-parties software. It is now fully USB compliant.
Disk Explorer: is the new version of the File Launcher. By this application the user can tour all folders and files; it has copy / paste / erase capabilities with animations, and allows the user to open files both with windows installed programs and with Aero's native applications via the File Stack: multimedia files will be sent to M-Player, RTF files to Write, PDF files to the E-book reader, and images will be sent to the Wide View of the Image Browser application. You can also create and manage ZIP archives.
Clipboard Manager: allows the user to save multiple clipboard contents and then retrieve them, bypassing the natural Windows limits.
Screen Magnifier: a magnifying lens that allows you to read even the tiniest texts and to see details in photos.
Recent files: connects to Windows's 'Recent' system and allows you to easily verify the recent files and reopen them with a single click.
CD Burner: using the IMAPI Interop component, Aero 2018 can now burn your data on CD. It cannot write music and it cannot write on DVDs.