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adVersum Media Center

the Total Media Desktop for Windows 7


The new image browser is an evolution of the one built for FrameOS and Aero OS, solving an annoying code bug that didn't allow to open pictures from thumbnails. Image browser has a medium preview panel from which the image can be opened in large format.


The new video player is really a TOTAL video player because it uses VideLan activeX technology instead of Windows Media Player. With this activeX the video player ensures you can open almost all media format in the web, including the popular FLV format


Windows Media Player control has been used in order to give you the best audio quality ever. The codec used by media player is far the best audio codec available supporting also high-quality sound.


The webradio is one of the adVersum OS exclusive application then added also to Aero 1.3; in this media center it is used with a new graphic and a better control of stations.

You can freely download the RAR archive containing the executable and files for adVersum Media Center clicking on the download button



NOTEYou can also buy a CD-ROM version of Media Center containing the program folder and the VB.NET project folder with all files for code customization. 


​To buy the CD version with codes please use the PayPal button on this page.

Buy the CD version with codes: 5 € (euro)

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